The Allure of the Patient’s Object World: Countertransference Pitfalls and Possibilities

The Allure of the Patient’s Object World: Countertransference Pitfalls and Possibilities

$0.00 - $40.00
During the course of treatment, the therapist may develop feelings and attitudes about the people in her patient’s life. She may feel angered by a neglectful parent, frustrated by an insensitive spouse, or intrigued by a glamorous friend. At times, the patient’s object world can be so alluring that the therapist may fail to recognize her feelings as countertransference reactions. This presentation will explore these reactions through the concept of countertransference to the patient’s objects and will illuminate how this aspect of countertransference can be particularly elusive. When this facet of countertransference is unanalyzed, countertransference collusions can form. This workshop will discuss ways for identifying these collusions so that countertransference to the patient’s objects can facilitate, rather than impede the analytic work.

Saturday February 3, 2024, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm ET
Tamara Feldman, PsyD
Will be held on zoom
2 CEs
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